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15 Self-Care Tips To Help You Reset

Self-care is a choice and a lifestyle. You simply have to make choices to be intentional about self-care, but it doesn’t have to be a difficult task. I realized that in order to improve my mood and help myself get out of a funk, I needed to up my self care. Here’s some simple actions that I’ve taken that have helped:

  1. Get some sun.
    I get out and walk my dog every morning to get some sun and steps in, but I was also fortunate enough to take a few trips to some very sunny vacation spots. Sunlight boosts our seratonin, improves our vitamin D (very important for Black and Brown people), helps bone strength, improves your mood, improves your sleep quality and lowers blood pressure. I need every last one of these benefit.

  2. Hydrate!
    O.K. I’m not the best at increasing my water intake, but it’s proven that being dehydrated throws of serotonin balances in the brain and can effect your mood. I have some cute bottles that keep my water cold, and I travel with them now so I can effortlessly take a drink.

  3. Learn to accept my body as it is.
    Listen, we’ve all put on a few pounds after the past 18 months. I’m happy I’m still here, extra weight included, because I’m healthy and alive, and you should be to. Feel good about yourself, buy that two piece bathing suit, wear what you want, fix that hair, put on some lipstick and get out of the house.

  4. Take a news fast.
    I’m not suggesting you become a recluse, but there is no way possible that I can continuously consume consistent news about the pandemic, natural disasters, watch women and children being abused in other countries, and not to mention the continuous cycle of my own people being brutalized without getting depressed. I had to cut it off and take the news in small doses when I’m ready. News comes in many forms these days, with social media playing a big part. I had to adjust my consumption accordingly.

  5. Adopt a better skin care routine.
    The older I get, the more attention my skin needs. I can’t just wash it with Dove soap and go like I used to. Taking the time out to nurture it with the supplements that it needs is necessary. When you look better, you feel better.

  6. Take a warm bath or shower.
    A warm shower helps melt away my tension. A warm bath with flowers or bath bombs has also become a go to for me when I need to decompress. I bring a glass of wine and listen to a podcast in there.

  7. Take an exercise class.
    I am NOT a fitness guru, but we talked about the extra pounds already. Also exercise increases endorphins, your natural mood lifters. I chose a Pilates class. It’s something that I’ve been wanting to do get back into for a long time. It’s great for my back issues and I feel my body getting stronger. We lose muscle tone as we get a little older. Taking the steps to improve my posture and strengthen my core, helps improve my self confidence and strength.

  8. Work on some self-improvement.
    Honestly everything on this list is a form of self-improvement, but I’m referring to skill-building now. I’m in the middle of a career change after being in a field for a very long time. I’m working on some skill building like public speaking and presentation skills to help me feel more prepared. There are many online class options like Skillshare, Course Era, and Linked In. Take an online class, read some books, focus on you.

  9. Be your own cheerleader.
    We don’t have to be humble, well at least not all the time. Pump yourself up! Celebrate each and every one of your accomplishments, no matter how small. Baby steps are still steps! Sometimes we even overlook major things. My youngest child just started college. I had to stop and reflect on on how hard it was to put her through private school as a single parent and successfully get her into college. That’s major. Acknowledge and be grateful.

  10. Stay up to date with annual health screenings and physicals.
    I wrote about this in a post last year: Taking Back Control of Your Wellness. It’s very important to keep up with those preventative annual exams and screenings. It helps nip small problems in the bud, before they become bigger problems. Also your primary doctor can be a gatekeeper to your health, screen you for things like depression, an to refer you to specialists that you may need.

  11. Talk Therapy
    This one is interesting. I advocate for wellness checks. I get my eyes, teeth etc. checked, but what about checking in with a professional for my mental health? I’m totally for therapy, but wasn’t allowing myself access to therapy. Waiting for a “crisis’ isn’t necessary to start therapy. I decided to change that and made the step to start it. Talk Space, Better Help, and Therapy for Black Girls are some options to help you start researching a therapist.

  12. Massage Therapy
    I love massages. I used to think of massages as an indulgent self-care item that I always wished I could do regularly. Massages may be considered a luxury item to some, but they have benefits like reducing negative moods, anger and stress hormones. I did some research and was able to get a membership at my local small spa which allows me to get a monthly one-hour massage for about a dollar a minute. I gladly sacrifice fast food or some other less important expense to have a personal massage therapist. Research local spas and wellness centers that offer services that seem expensive like massage, facials and acupuncture. Sometimes your insurance may even cover some or all of the costs.

  13. Meditation
    Meditating is not always easy. It can seem like my brain is always racing with thoughts. There are different approaches to meditation, so it’s worth it to keep at it. It reduces anxiety. I still use apps to help me out like Meditation Minis.

  14. Journaling
    I always start journaling, especially during stressful times, and then I put it down. Journaling is a way to track your thoughts and it gives me a way to sometimes problem solve after I’ve written out what’s going on in my life. You also have a way to look back and see your growth I’ll share a journal prompt that I took from Cece Olisa : “What’s pissing you off?” You will be amazed at how many pages you can fill up, I know I was. Keep doing it until you have no more to write, and then maybe move on to gratitude journaling or other prompts.

  15. Give yourself some grace.
    Finally, but most importantly, give yourself some grace. That means, forgive yourself for imperfections, mistakes and poor judgement. Tomorrow is a new day. Start of fresh with a new plan.

    What are some of your go-to self-care rituals right now?

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